Do You Know What I Know?
(Do You Hear What I Hear?)
Said the Kommandant to his
sergeant Schultz
Do you see what I see? Do you see what I see?
What is it you see, Kommandant?
Don't you see what I see? Don't you see what I see?
That prisoner there
Dodging every light
What's he doing outside in the night?
I see nothing, nothing at all!
Said the Kommandant to his
sergeant Schultz
Do you hear what I hear? Do you hear what I hear?
What is it you hear, Kommandant?
Don't you hear what I hear? Don't you hear what I hear?
Kaboom! Kaboom!
Explosions in the night
And the sky's lighting up really bright
I hear nothing, nothing at all!
Major Hochstetter to the
Do you know what I know? Do you know what I know?
All this sabotage in Hamelburg
Do you know what I know? Do you know what I know?
Tis Papa Bear
Going out at night
Blowing up everything within sight
And it's Hogan behind it all!
Said the Kommandant to the
Listen to what I say
No escapes from Stalag 13!
Listen to what I say
This Papa Bear
Can't be from this camp
Colonel Hogan, he never leaves camp
He knows nothing, nothing at all!
I don´t own Hogan´s Heroes; I just like to play with them.
Heroes is the property of CBS.
No money is being made by the publication
of these stories on the internet.
The home of these stories is
Downloading and printing of these stories
for private use only.
For all other forms of publication and
distribution is the clearly stated, written permission of the author required.
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